Holy Family Catholic School

As Holy Family, we learn, believe and seek to make the right choices, as God's children



This Year Our class charity is CAFOD...Look out for some of the events we get up to, to help raise money for people less fortunate than ourselves! We have set ourselves the challenge to raise over £1000!

Welcome to Year 1 - Here is some information that you may find useful.

My name is Miss Haswell and supporting us in Year 1 this year will be Mrs Caruana and Mr Bailey.


Clothes and other belongings.

Please ensure your child's name is on all clothes, shoes and other belongings. If they are not, it is very difficult to find the owner. Please ensure your child brings a suitable coat to school.


Your child will be given a reading for pleasure book on a Friday. This book must be returned the following Friday to ensure the books can be changed. Please try to read every night with your child. Your child has an ECollins log in. On here you will find the books that your child is accessing in their guided reading sessions. This will be updated with a new book every Friday. If you have any probems accessing then please come and speak to me.


Please can you ensure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times. We will send PE kits home every half term to be washed. The importance of wearing the appropriate clothing during PE is fundamental to your child's development. PE lessons will take place on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. If you have any questions, please ask :)


Homework will be set every Friday, the children will also have weekly spellings to complete by the following Friday.



If you have any questions feel free to ask or message on Class DOJO.

Thank you,

Miss Haswell

Year 1 put on a fabulous assembly this week. Our topic was Fairtrade as CAFOD, our class charity, are celebrating Fairtrade fortnight at the end of the month. All of the children worked really hard to learn their lines and used their loud voices in front of the whole school and our families. We talked about how important it is to shop Fairtrade in order for the farmers and workers to get a fair price. We are very proud of ourselves. We even treated ourselves to some Fairtrade chocolate afterwards! 
